[0] is a company developed to “Build a Better Metaverse”. Founded by artist Krista Kim and digital avatar expert Peter Martin, [0] has brought together a globally recognized team to strategize, design and build Metaverse experiences in culture, wellness and education. Christy MacLear serves as the COO and Founding Partner of [0].
The company will introduce its platform in January, 2023 with partner Deepak Chopra to create restorative and meditative programs + partner Nelson Mandela Estate to create a Story-file Q&A with this historic leader to enliven educational experiences. [0] consults with major corporations and leaders to create custom white-label solutions for entering the Metaverse - aligned to the inspiration of building experiences you can’t have physically, in the digital realm.
Visit 0.xyz to learn of the company’s roll out.

Visit 0.xyz to speak to artist Krista Kim’s avatar about her projects, and the founding of [0].